How to unclog your nose instantly at home

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    10 tips for getting rid of a stuffy nose

    Nasal congestion is often temporary, and most people can treat it at home. However, if the symptoms persist or there are additional symptoms, it may be a good idea to seek medical help.

    Some conditions that cause nasal congestion can also lead to complications.

    Treatment for blocked nose at night

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  • If a person has a viral infection, for example, they may also develop an ear infection, bronchitis, or sinusitis.

    According to the NHS, a cough that lasts for more than 3 weeks and coughing up blood may indicate a more serious condition.

    The NHS also advises that pregnant people, individuals with chronic health conditions, and people with weakened immune systems should also consider speaking with a doctor if they experience nasal congestion.

    People who develop any of these symptoms may also want to contact a doctor to rule out a bacterial infection or another cause or complication:

    Nasal congestion is a common symptom of common colds, seasonal allergies, and other illnesses.

    It can cause discomfort, but many home and OTC remedies can help ease this discomfort.

      what to do when nose is clogged
      what to take when nose is blocked